
That infamous locker room incident

Anyone who has followed Mathieu for awhile has heard about his locker room dust-up with Patrick Roy when they were both with the Canadiens. Various stories have run the length of the Internet, ranging from mundane personality conflicts to other more salacious gossip. What is true? Only a few people really know. For what it's worth, I'll take storied Montreal Gazette reporter Red Fisher's word on the matter:

It started, Schneider said, when Roy had this message for the players: "Guys, we're down two goals, but we can still win this game. There's only one guy in this room who isn't doing his job." Then Roy looked directly at Schneider. "Shut the (expletive deleted) up," Schneider told Roy. "Just stop the puck!"

At that point, Roy flung the contents of a plastic cup at him. Schneider then tossed a punch at his goaltender, but teammates leaped in to separate the two as general manager Serge Savard and head coach Jacques Demers rushed into the room.

See Fisher's entire story, including how Mathieu called him at 1am to tell him he was quitting the team, at canada.com

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