
Off-topic: A moment of silence please...

...for Brad Richards' penalty-free streak. Last night against the Sharks (w00t!), with only 15 seconds left in the game, he took his first penalty in 36 games (and his first since becoming a Star... in February). Come on refs, you couldn't have let that one slide 15 seconds left in a 6-2 debacle!?! Poor B-Rad.

Now back to our regularly scheduled Mathieu Schneider devotion. =)


Anonymous said...

I know, I was like, Dude, give the guy a break.

Sarah said...

I was watching the game at my parents' place, but left during the 2nd intermission so I missed seeing it and only heard it on the radio feed. But my mom said yesterday that the call was, and I quote my dear mother, "chickenshit."