
SI story

Darren Eliot had a nice story about Mathieu in the online version of Sports Illustrated. In the story, Eliot talks about how hockey is flowing in the blood of the Schneider "boys," from himself, to his Dad, Sam, to his brother, J.A., and now to his youngest sons Matty and Micah.

Side note: Hey, what about the girls! =)


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't he talk about his other 2 sons (Jordan (14) and Christain (12)) who he failed to see over 8 years by his choice?
Two of the finest young gentlemen I have ever met. Hockey is in their blood also, two great defensmen...... he should be ashamed!!!!!

Unknown said...

Gee, I wonder who could have posted the negative comment? Mathieu is a wonderful person, a great athlete and a phenomenal father. Unfortunately there are always going to be nutty ex-wives in the world, still bitter and angry... and rich.

Anonymous said...

What does nutty ex-wives, bitter, angry and rich have to do with his two biological sons?
How can you justify Mathieu as a role model in all facets of life?

Unknown said...

You know exactly how. I'm not going to debate this with you in a public forum.