
Eighth night of Hanukkah / Chanukah

Well, for giggles, I thought I'd reprise my online celebration of Hanukkah this year. It conveniently coincides with my two weeks off from work (yes!) and I'm doing one of those "stay-cations" where I take the two weeks to do absolutely nothing except sit on my butt at home (yes!).

For the 8 nights of Hanukkah, I'll try to find some kind of Mathieu-related "gift" to share. So, in honor of the eighth night of Hanukkah, here is gift number 8.

I was officially out of ideas. Short of anything more creative, I looked for cool goals Mathieu has scored and was going to post a video. I found a good one and put the embed code here, and began to type out the date of the goal. It was December. It made me think, and gave me an idea. So here, for the eighth and final night of Hanukkah, are three goals Mathieu scored during the holidays past. (At least the ones that have video available on NHL.tv)

(Buffalo at Anaheim, December 5, 2007... the 2nd night of Hanukkah)

(Anaheim at Chicago, December 7, 2007... the 4th night of Hanukkah)

(Columbus at Detroit, December 31, 2005... the 7th night of Hanukkah)

An aside: For those who are interested, here is a neat "what you need to know about Hanukkah" story from the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune: Spinning Tales: A Hanukkah Primer. And don't laugh at the graphic. That was the first animated gif I ever made, back in 1997 or so (using Claris Works clip art and a semi-legal copy of Photoshop). It was hot stuff at the time. =)

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