
Off-topic: best December 7th EVER

We interrupt our slacking with this important announcement...

There is a time in everyone's life when a moment so, um, momentous occurs that the news is broadcast to everyone. You send out announcements with happy pictures. You have your college update the alumni magazine with the news. Everyone on Facebook gets annoyed with you for posting a million updates...

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to make such an announcement. Are you ready?


And I don't mean the usually dusting on the peaks we get every January. I mean, real, significant snowage at near sea-level. And 36 hours later, the hills surrounding the SMC campus still have snow on them! The clouds have moved on, and while it is hovering around 38 degrees here (at almost noon), I think the snow fall is over. And we'll probably have to wait another 30+ years for it to happen again. But we'll have the pictures, videos, and memories. =)

Check out the video one of our students shot (and edited and posted to YouTube within about 12 hours! Mad skills he has):

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