
April 25, 2010

I felt kind of bad. Today could have been Mathieu's last game, but I had a lot of stuff to do in my last full day in Edmonton. I caught a bit of the score while checking out the stuff at Pro Hockey Life (wow, if the exchange rate wasn't so crappy, the taxes so high, and the limit of luggage space so small, I'd have gone broke in that place!). I thought it said that Mathieu had scored, and it was on the back of my mind all day.  Finally, after a long day of taking in sights and hiking around Elk Island National Park, I got back to the hotel and, ta da!, Mathieu did score!

And the Coyotes won, pushing the series to a deciding game 7. Woo!!

Mathieu even made it to the front page of ESPN.com!

Thanks for the screen capture Spencer!

Game summary: Schneider (Stempniak, Pyatt), 2:27 of 2nd (PP).

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