
A new job?

Do not adjust your dials. This is not a test. There is actual Mathieu news to report. With the hiring of Donald Fehr as the NHLPA's new executive director, a lot of talk has gone into who will be his staff. One of the hiring committee members is getting some buzz as a possible person Fehr will tap:
"I know Mathieu reasonably well at this point, I've talked to him any number of times and he seems to me to be a first-rate and extraordinary individual. He certainly has an enormous amount of experience in the game and as far as I can tell has the respect of the players. He's the kind of individual that makes sense for that kind of a role. I'm not in a position today to discuss any specific hires or roles that any given individual might fill." (as reported by Pierre LeBrun of ESPN.com)
Still not sure if that will happen, but keep your eyes posted. I've long thought that if Mathieu said in hockey after his playing days ended, I see in more of an "office job" than coaching or scouting. Seems like it might be something he is interested in, so we'll just have to see if it does happen.

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