
My wall

A new season always feels like a new start. There are many things I need to start freshly.

This blog is one. This will be the second season without Matheiu, and I still don't know what to do with this blog. I could just turn it into random musings, but that would require me to have random musings. I'll get around to that eventually.

A second conundrum I have is what to do with my office wall. All of my coworkers and office mates have pictures of their kids and families and personal art on their walls. Lacking any classy art or kid pics (I keep my family photos on my phone), my wall was empty for a long time. Finally, I started putting up my favorite hockey photos. They have been quite a conversation piece.

But I need a change. Some old ones are coming down, and a new one of B-Rad in his new Rangers uniform is going up. If it's a hockey wall, Mathieu will be there. Currently playing or not. But as I took down all of the old jerseys, I was left with only one from his days with Team USA.

But he looks kind of sad in it.  I don't want that to be my signature photo; the one photo I can point out to visitors and say "that's my favorite player of all time."

But without a current team, what NHL uniform do I associate Mathieu with enough to be that signature "this is my favorite player of all time" photo? With 10 teams to choose from, it was a challenge. I went around and around in my head, and I keep coming back to the beginning.

I think it's time I cough up the $20+ and order a new copy of this bad boy:

The copy I have is my original. An almost 20 year old copy of Sports Illustrated. You can see a crease in the corner in the scan; it lived my backpack for months. I have it now in an archival-quality sleeve in a binder at home. Side note: When I first came to Saint Mary's, I saw the library had SI going back decades. Snot nosed Freshman I was, I decided to secretly tear out the cover and replace it with a photocopy (I was always too nice to outrightly steal). But you know what? Someone had already torn it out!

My greatest hockey regrets is that I never got him to sign it. I had a chance, but was too shy to ask. I never got Enrico Ciccone to sign my Tampa Bay jersey, either. Wow, I really suck as an autograph seeker.

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