'Tis the season for the playoff beard. It seems like it becomes a bigger deal every year. Some teams have whole websites devoted to the playoff beard, and others have made the beard part of their playoffs slogan. Even Randy Hahn Sharks television play-by-play guy (and husband of über-chipper channel 5 weather chick) stops shaving.
Last year, Margee, she of the fabulously irreverent SportSquee blog, had, as far as I'm concerned, the pinnacle of playoff beard commentaries: The Art of the Stanley Cup Playoff Beard. (worth it for, if anything, her comparison of Sidney Crosby to a middle schooler)
This year, several other blogs have seized on the beard zeitgeist. Seth Rorabaugh of the Empty Netters blog for the Pittsburgh Gazette offers up the Playoff beard preview, reviewing some of the key beard opportunities for each playoff bound team. (Some amazing photos, check it out)
Mathieu makes an appearance on the list, as he should. An image from Detroit's playoff run a few years ago is accompanied by the caption "he actually shaved 10 minutes prior to this photo being taken. We think." (He probably did.)
Here are just 3 offerings from the Mathieu Schneider facial hair growth files for your, uh, enjoyment (?)...
and my favorite:
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the beard. And think about it: Mathieu was on a Stanley Cup winning team before. He didn't have a beard. He has been in the playoffs many times since with a beard. And ya know what? No Stanley Cup. Make of that what you will...
Side note: I'd support my guys by hiding my razor as well. But seriously, I'm half Portuguese. No one wants to see how hairy my legs can get. Even I don't want to see that!
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