
Popcorn balls

If yesterday's blog from Mathieu wasn't cool enough, how this for complete and total awesomeness: Mathieu's mom's recipe for popcorn balls in a 12+ year old "Kraft Kitchens & NHL Moms Recipes" calendar.

Mad props out to Lisa over at Lisa's Lounge for this absolutely KILLER find: More to Mathieu (http://lisashockeylounge.blogspot.com/2009/09/more-to-mathieu.html)

(Photo credit: Lisa Ovens)

I'm almost out of Shreddies and my Canadian grocery shopping connection is on maternity leave until January1, so I'll have to wait awhile so that I can make them as authentically as possible. I hear Life cereal can substitute for Shreddies in a pinch, but I'll wait for the real stuff.

1Before taking a few months off to have a baby (any day now, come on Emma!), my friend Christina usually went to Edmonton on business once a month, and she'd pick up all my needed Canadian grocery items. Kraft Dinner, Shreddies, Mr Big bars, mayonnaise... you know, the good stuff. I wonder if the person going in her stead can pick up a box for me. I guess there is always http://www.canadianfavourites.com/aboutus.asp

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